Fighting Hunger
one block at a time
one block at a time
support fight2feed
support fight2feed
by getting involved

Fighting Hunger One Block At A Time

Fight2Feed service has stayed nimble to serve our communities during this unprecedented time of need. Our work is to reduce food waste and serve those who are in need of a fresh and hot meal. Our chefs are from local restaurants, BBQ, catering and consulting chefs that volunteer their time to lead our kitchens. Until we find a home of our own, we have worked from borrowed and sponsored kitchens. Our goal is to continue serving meals that help our community stay strong and keep our mission running as long as possible. To keep our community safe and share more meals our service has reshaped to now offer curbside pick up and drop offs. We seek volunteers to prep, cook, clean and deliver. We are always seeking volunteers with vehicles to help us rescue and mobilize our food. If you are interested in being a part of our #MobileF2F team please email us at [email protected].


how you can support our cause

Fighting Hunger About Us

Fight2Feed is a 501c(3) charitable organization on a mission to put an end to hunger and reduce food waste, starting with our own communities. We began our journey on March 20, 2014 in Chicago, IL to make change happen in our neighborhoods one block at a time. We have to date served over 2 million meals and rescue over 6 Million pounds of food. Click below to learn more about Fight2Feed!


We think we have a fantastic cause, but we need your help.
Don't worry, we have lots of great ways for you to support us.

Support Us DONATE

We think we have a fantastic cause, but we need your help. Don't worry, we have lots of great ways for you to support us.


Want to be a Fight2Feed street team member to help our organization feed the hungry, we need YOU to help us grow!


Fight2Feed has officially added the #BakeSquad to our volunteer groups.


This is one of the many event series that donates to the Fight2Feed.


The Fight2Feed team is made up of people just like you. We're constantly looking for leaders.

Community PANTRY AID

Help us rescue and repurpose food from restaurants, chefs and donations from food distributors to create healthy hot meals.

Get Our GEAR

Show your support and rock some awesome Fight2Feed gear. We have a variety pf shirts, sweaters and hats available.

Spread The Word GET SOCIAL

We believe your voice is the most powerful force on the planet.

Group Volunteering

At Fight2Feed volunteering as a group is a great team building and rewarding experience. We welcome groups of all sorts for group voluteering.

Testimonials of group voluteering


“Thank you again for having us, it was a great day  … Vee is amazing, love me some Pablo as well .”

BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC

“ … the team was ecstatic to have assisted Fight2Feed this past Wednesday.  There was so much chatter on Thursday about the experience.”

Our Stories Videos & Films

FIGHT2FEED is on YouTube! View our latest videos below and Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates!

FIGHT2FEED is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

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Built by 240 Group, Wisconsin Rapids, WI

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